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Welcome to
Croydon Astronomical Society

Croydon Astronomical Society is based in Croydon, just a few miles south of London. We hold public talks approximately every two weeks during school term time and aim to open our observatory to the public every Saturday evening.   The society was founded in 1956 and operates through the donation of time from its members and donations of money from its members and visitors.   If astronomy is your thing, please consider joining us as a member.  

Public opening of the observatory

For lovers of the night sky from 7th September we will open our observatory to the public on Saturday evenings if (and it is a very big if) the skies are clear.  We cannot see through cloud, and rain could cause a lot of expensive damage.  We also need to have volunteers free to staff the site.

This Saturday, 7th September, we can already see that the forecast is for cloud and possibly rain so we will not be open.

please look here again and at our Facebook Page next week to see if we can open then.

For those who wish to see the Observatory in daylight we are part of the national Open House event on Sunday 15th September, 1 - 3 pm. If clear we will be running some solar 'scopes, but mainly we are there to showcase the Observatory.

Enjoy a walk at night? We will be holding a walk around Kenley Aerodrome at 7pm on 17th September to mark the harvest moon. 

Public talks

The Society holds public talks at Trinity School, Shirley Road, Croydon CR9 7AT.     Further details of the talks programme and location are set out in the Talks tab.

Talks are open to all, there is no charge, but we have a suggested donation of £3 towards society funds. Refreshments priced at 50p are available during the break.


Evie Faith Harvey - aged 13

Why we're here

Our objectives are to advance education in the science of astronomy and related subjects for the public benefit in Croydon and the surrounding area by:


  • encouraging a popular interest in astronomy and allied subjects;

  • helping beginners, irrespective of their age, to acquire a knowledge of astronomy and allied subjects; and

  • providing facilities for practical work and active participation in astronomical observation.

IC5067 the Pelican wall.jpg

IC 5067 The Pelican Wall

©John Mills 2021

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