Public opening of the Observatory
The Croydon Astronomical Society owns and runs the Norman Fisher Observatory in Kenley and members of the public are welcome to visit.
Come and visit us
Whenever possible we open the Observatory to the public each Saturday night during autumn, winter and spring if the skies are clear and member volunteers are available. We can't open if it is wet, windy or cloudy. We post messages on the home page of our website and our Facebook page. Opening times depend on the time of sunset but we normally open by 8:00pm so long as this is after dark.
Once you have checked that we are open, just turn up. There is no need to book and no charge (though donations are always welcome).
We can also cater for groups by arrangement - see here for details.
Through our telescopes you should get good views of the planets and (depending on the darkness of the sky) also be able to see some “deep sky” objects (clusters, galaxies etc).
We have hot water for coffee (bring your own ingredients) but we have no toilets, no parking spaces and no heating. Wrap up warm!
Please don't turn up without checking whether we can open. We will post our decision on Facebook at as soon as we know but it may be as late as 4pm on the Saturday.
Please read the observatory site rules and, in particular, note that visitors must not bring or use laser pointers. Also, if applicable, please note our child protection policy.

We are located down a farm track off the end of Waterhouse Lane which is off Hayes Lane at the edge of Kenley Aerodrome. There is no postcode associated with the Observatory so follow your SatNav towards CR8 5EP. (Make sure your satnav takes you via Hayes Lane). Once in Waterhouse Lane follow the road round to the right and go to the end. There is a pedestrian gate to the side of the entrance to Cornwall Farm from which you will see the Observatory.
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There is no parking on site but parking (observe restrictions) is nearby in Hayes Lane just a couple of hundred metres to the south at the Royal Air Force Kenley Tribute. Please park in Hayes Lane and walk the short distance up Waterhouse Lane.