Governance and Committee
The society is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation and is registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales – registration number 1187803.
Our Constitution sets out the overall governance framework of the society.
The day to day operation of the society is run by its Committee. The Committee consists of up to ten charity trustees. The key offices of the Committee are the Chair, Treasurer and Secretary and the other offices are Vice-Chair, Programme Secretary, Outreach Co-ordinator and Membership Secretary.
The Committee has set out detailed rules, policies, information and etiquette in the following documents:
Rules for visiting the Observatory
Rules for visiting Trinity School
Policy on Child Protection and Protection of Vulnerable Adults
Policy on the use of Sky Laser Pointers (volunteers)
Forum Etiquette
Pre-booked Group visits
Website cookie policy
Data privacy policy (GDPR)
Laptop and TV at the Observatory (instructions)

M51 Whirlpool galaxy
©Tim Coskun 2021
AGM 2024
The CAS AGM was held at 7:30 pm at Trinity School, Croydon on Thursday 6th June.
There is a forum hosted on Google Groups ( It is open to anyone who wishes to join and is not managed by Croydon Astronomical Society. However, many of our members do use this group to discuss astronomical matters.
Federation of Astronomical Societies
The FAS produces newsletters about 4 - 6 times per year. The most recent will appear here.
From 1959 until 1999 the Croydon Astronomical published its own magazine, Altair. In the days before Internet this was a valuable resource, full of information related to astronomy. Much of the content is stll relevant today.
Scanned copies of all the issues (except for issue 2) are available on Dropbox here.