Group visit calendar
Generally, authorised members may use the observatory for their own private astronomy. However, Committee has decided that, for health & safety, safeguarding and logistical reasons, members are NOT to use the observatory on those nights when a pre-booked group astronomy visit is in progress. This calendar gives dates when visits are planned and the observatory is therefore unavailable. Unless otherwise stated all group visits will be finished by 10pm.
Members should also note that, although they may attend to do their own astronomy on Saturday openings, the priority is to the public and members must accept they may get disturbed.
As general guidance, the Committee has decided on the following order of priorities for the use of the observatory.
Booked/paid group visits
Emergency repairs, specially sanctioned by the committee
Publicised public openings (Saturday nights and any special openings we publish on our website)
Paul Stenning's personal use of his telescope
Members use
Ad-hoc maintenance
Unplanned public visits (i.e. a members showing a group of friends round, public dropping is as they walk past and see someone working).
Members are asked to discuss any need for clarification, concerns or special requests with the Chairman.